Monday 26 September 2011

Safety Goggles!

It took me a while to realize that these were actually safety goggles. I have a pair of snorkels already, so I knew they weren't snorkels.

Sorry Pandanda but (woop woop woop) the fashion police probably don't have anything positive to say about these.

I hope that I don't sound too pessimistic :-/


Saturday 24 September 2011

Free Elite Day Weekend

Non members rejoice... elite members mourn.

It's free elite day again. But this time it's for a whole weekend! I'm an elite, but I can't help feeling happy for the nons.



Sunday 18 September 2011

New Zing Prize!

Well as you know the last prize was a builders hat!
This week's prize is....
An Under Construction Background!!! Lol strange name and reminds me of club penguins landing pad background... But still, cool prize!
From Misty :-)

Saturday 17 September 2011

RainbowRacer and Dogy4s Conversation Collage

Omg! What do you think of this?

Wow... it's interesting.... well below is some interesting facts about the two of them.

Interesting Fact- RainbowRacer was the first ever panda to reach Level 75!

Interesting Facts- Dogy4 is known to have a couple of superquester friends. She/he has a blog. She/he was banned once, but managed to get his/her panda back.


Saturday 10 September 2011

Leveling Up

Hi everyone! I have been very busy for a while so I haven't been able to post! Sorry!
My bestie Tazerella has leveled up!

Congratulations Taz the SuperQuester!
And I have leveled up too!

Dont forget Blowsight, Lime, and my good friend RainbowRacer, who are now at the maximum limit of quests; level 75! Wow! Lucky...
Well Thats all for now,
Bye Pandas!
Misty :-)

Friday 2 September 2011

Colouring Pages

I am appalled. I can't believe how the Americans spell some of their words! For instance, colour is not spelt color.

But, yes, they still called the new colouring pages 'coloring pages'. Click Here to see the colouring pages.

Also, Misty said that she could easily draw some of them on SumoPaint. I completely agree. They aren't extremely intricate, but that's good for a colouring-in page sometimes.

Although I personally prefer the more intricate ones. They put up more of a challenge.

Happy colouring-in!


The Great Fish Day Begins!

It's finally the Great Fish Day!

I was greeted with a brilliant response as you can see above.

Well to be honest, it was just dumb luck that the other people were smiling at the same time. Lol! Well if one of the people smiling was you, I thoroughly thank you!

Sorry, I gotta get back to fishing :D


Thursday 1 September 2011

The Great Fish Day!

The Great Fish Day is tomorrow! Dust off your fishing poles and head down to the Fishing Hole to go and catch some fish.

Begins - 12am
Ends - 11:59pm

I will be there at the very beginning of the day and also at the very end. Come along, even if it's just to say a quick hello.



PS: It's my cats September birthday today. Her actual birthday is in April though. (She has two birthdays)