Tuesday 11 October 2011


Its ORANGE day in Pandanda! Wear as much orange as possible! Here is what Henry has to say:

Orange as a Pumpkin In Pandanda!

Ooooh, I am really starting to get excited about October! This is one of my most favorite times of the year! I love the cooler weather, and the leaves on the trees turning to beautiful colors of red, yellow and ORANGE. It seems everywhere I look, ORANGE pumpkins are starting to appear, some even already carved up as jack-o-lanterns.

The Pumpkin Festival will begin on Friday, with lots of Halloween candy around Pandanda land for you to collect and trade for cool Pumpkin Festival prizes. To help us get into the spirit for the festival, let's celebrate tomorrow with the 2nd Annual ORANGE PANDA DAY!

I want to see everyone dressed in ORANGE tomorrow! There is orange Panda Paint in the clothing catalog at the Clothing Co. on East Market Street that everyone can buy. It's just 50 coins! So make your Panda orange, then pile on anything else you have in your closet that is orange. Make the pumpkins jealous of your glowing ORANGE color!

I will be making some surprise visits to Pandanda tomorrow to see all of the ORANGE. You can also send me pictures of you and your friends having fun on ORANGE DAY. If you take a bunch of pictures, choose just one, or make a collage of photos into one image, then send it to me at screenshots@pandanda.com, with ORANGE DAY in the subject line. Make sure to include your panda name in your email. I'll post some here on my blog, and put them all into a Facebook album.

Orange you glad it's October?

Awesome! I'm off to find an orange outfit lol.
Misty :-)

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