Monday 23 January 2012

New Zing Prize!

Since our zing correspondent is nowhere to be found, It's me again with the new zing prize....

The prize is....

A Carrot Nose! (Funny. I said to my friends "the prize will be a background shoes or a carrot nose")

Here is how it looks on your profile and panda:

Okayishly cool prize... I think it's good it wasnt a background. But pandanda REALLY should have planed and pre-made the prizes....

In other news, It's Chinese new year... (新年快樂!) And its the year of the dragon... So Henry is telling us to walk our dragons! To tell you the truth that makes it more of a member event but who cares, my dragons need a walk anyway.

And ANOTHER bit of news! We are nearing 1000 views! Wow! So it's time to announce the party. I'm thinking February the 5th at approx 7-9 pandanda time... I will have to ask Blu.

Update on above; since we got 1000 views so quickly we will have a party once we get to 2000 views instead. Please keep coming back and I thoroughly recommend subscribing by email to our blog.

From Misty :-)

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1. No offensive language, this includes swearing, racist stuff, etc. Anything that you think is rude, cant be said.
2. Please don't spam. This means YOU, edge. (otherwise known as wywywy, brodym etc)
3. Preferably no ads, unless it's to another pd blog or something.
4. Pandanda rules, follow them in the comments.