Friday 27 January 2012

Updates on... Stuff??

Hey Pandas!
look who I saw today.Wow! Rizzthefizz is the winner of the old dragon contest:

Find the Dragons Contest Winners!

January 25th, 2010
Hi Pandas,

Today we are ready to announce the winners of the "Find the Dragons Contest". First of all, thank you so much for the many, many correct entries we received. Izzy is delighted that she now knows where all of her Dragons went. She has brought them all back to the Pet shop where they have been enjoying large bowls of D-chow and Flint Nibbles.

The first winner of our contest is the person who sent in the first correct entry - and that was Rizzthefizz. Congratulations! Then we held a random raffle from all of the other entries received and that winner was: Princess898!

Both winners receive:
  • A special Winning Contest Shirt (totally rare and famous!).
  • A 3 month membership gift certificate
  • Their player card picture in my blog (see below)
  • And 2000 coins!
First Place Winner: Rizzthefizz

pandanda great games for kids

Raffle Winner: Princess898

pandanda great games for kids

Please join me in congratulating the winners. Don't worry if you didn't win this contest because my next contest we be released soon and it's a contest where our many awesome bloggers will be able to help everyone.

I can't wait, can you?


They even added me! (OMG) Which was great until I realised they were actually somebody I know! (DOUBLE OMG)

Also, Take a look at this email:


The hair you make is great, but I'm sure a lot of girls would LOVE longer hair. Here is a hairstyle that I would buy with real money....

(more photos)

I hope you like them...

From Misty (Mistral) and Blu (BlueIsGood)

P.S. Is it ok to wear whatever clothes we like? yellowcc2 told kbrockwell to sell his girl clothes then to prove a point I wore my boy clothes. She called me weird and she said she was going to talk to kbrockwell's mum. That's scary. I think we should be able to express ourselfs. - Misty



Thanks for your cool suggestion and pictures. We will pass them along to our development team for their consideration.

It is perfectly fine for pandas to wear any clothes they like, regardless of whether they are girls or boys.

Best regards,
The Pandanda Team

So pandas, there is hope if you want to send an email to pandanda.
From Misty :-)

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