Friday 19 October 2012

Halloween party... REVIEW!

Ok, so I completely forgot to do the this is how to get prizes post, so let's do something different! This is not going to be a "this is where the prizes are" post, this is an actual review of the party.

So, let's start with the decorations. I personally love the dark sky.... the pumpkins everywhere... the black and orange chat bubbles...
The decorations: 9/10.

Now for almost everyone's favourite part, the prizes!

So, these are INCREDIBLE prizes! Not just because I suggested the cat ears & nose, but because there are new items! Ok, I'm not too pleased the black paint is non member this year, (It used to be you could wear it when you were just about to lose your membership, and so when you lost your member people would know you were a member) but it's awesome they brought it back.

Although, the place the hidden prize is hidden this year also was the place the pumpkin head was hidden in 2009.
click the candle twice to get your prize. I already got the prize so I can't show you sorry.
So, for the prizes this year I give pandanda an 8 1⁄₂ out of 10.

 Ok, So what else can we review. Ok, let's look at the catalog!

WOW, I LOVE the new walls! The lamps are nice too.
10/10 for the catalog.

so, 27 and a 1/2 out of 30! Pretty good!


From Misty :-)

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