Saturday 20 October 2012

where to now.

So, the shock is over for me at least.

For those of us who have lots of friends on pandanda, we will just go to the same virtual world. The popular choices are:
  • Moshi Monsters (my user: moshimistral) Euastce (forgot the numbers) will play this.
  • MovieStarPlanet (my user: Mistral) cutecandy13 and jar12 will play this.
  • GardenPartyWorld (my user: Mistysun) RanRan will play this.
  • Club Penguin. (my user: Grommete) Most other pandas will play this.
Moshi Monsters has message boards to chat. I suggest it for 8-14 year olds.
Club penguin is full of preps pookies and vampires. You will see what I mean. I suggest it for 7-14 year olds.
Garden party world has trading items, etc. Very nice graphics. I suggest it for 5-13 year olds.
MovieStarPlanet is a cool game with people avatars. Open chat if you say you are 14+. I suggest it for 10+ year olds.

Or, we still have the option of begging henry to help us make 1 server be open 1-2 hours a day. (see previous post) I believe we can do this. You might not, but I do -_- think about practical ways you could help this idea. We would need a computer to run the server, a domain name, some money, a coder, a mod, and helpers.

From Misty :-)

P.S. Want a free elite code? I have one henry gave me when this blog opened. First person to comment with their panda name will get it. xD


  1. panda LUKYN emsil

  2. Cincle xD You can give me this code if you want,but its only 6 days of elite...
    PS:PANDANDA ded! :,((

  3. i am really confused now as to who won. I can't tell if it's cincle or LUKYN? Somebody help me.

  4. plese me i dont have money please

  5. Hi Mistral and pandas plz add me on clubpenguin its the only other game i play my names dora1798 and mistral when i search you i cannot find you.

    I am very sad pandanda is closing im shaking so sorry any typa errors.


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1. No offensive language, this includes swearing, racist stuff, etc. Anything that you think is rude, cant be said.
2. Please don't spam. This means YOU, edge. (otherwise known as wywywy, brodym etc)
3. Preferably no ads, unless it's to another pd blog or something.
4. Pandanda rules, follow them in the comments.