Monday 8 October 2012

New zing prize.... and more....

Ok so, the new zing prize is a background. Yup. So log onto pandanda and have a look.

Also! I remembered I have an elite code just sitting waiting to be used, so we need to GIVE IT AWAY!

But how? I can't decide! Should we have a party? Or a contest? Or should we just give it randomly to somebody who comments? PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE! Seriously! Post a comment on how I should give the code away! (please)

Btw, Jar is not the owner of this blog. Blu and I are. Jar posts the henry's blog posts, I do zing prizes and other stuff, and Blu does orbs, and anything else that I haven't done.

Ok, that's all I can think of to post right now.

From Misty :-)

1 comment:

  1. i have an idea for ur elite code!u can make a lottery contest and let people email u or comment u and when the contest is over u should put some names in a jar and pull some 3 of them out or something like that.its a idea for u i hope you'll like the idea.


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